sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

Seven qualities of a great leader

There have been many topics of discussion about leadership and organizational behavior, yet there are businesses who keep missing the important things to look for when identifying qualities of a good leader. So what are some of the tips that you have to pay attention to?

1. Intelligence: A smart person may likely make smart decisions and come up with smart ideas. It doesn't have to be a genius. It has to be someone that reunites multiple abilities that allow him to understand situations and all their implications. Warren Buffett is a man who clearly thinks of all possible scenarios and visualizes the future of his investments.

He is both an intelligent investor and he is also an intelligent manager of Berkshire Hathway

2. Communication: While not a great spokesperson, a good leader has to practice the process of sending and receiving messages between him and the group of people he is working with. He has to be an active listener, speak hard when needed and sincerely when required. He must manage the different communication levels that exist. Five time World Series Champion, New York Yankee's Joe Torre and two time UEFA CL Champion FC Barcelona's coach Josep Guardiola always say the right thing at the right time. They also encourage the team to give suggestions and to speak openly and freely at all times.

3. Authority: By this I do not mean either a loud voice or a commanding tone. It's as simple as being able to make yourself clear to your group, delivering punctual instructions that are well stated and designed impeccably. Bill Gates has anything but both, yet I am impressed every time I see him on TV, as each word that comes out from him is the product of rationality and thought.

4. Efficiency: Resources won't be handed easily all the time, nor there will be full availability of them. Some times leaders will have to deal with shortages and/or incomplete tangibles. Those are the occasions when he or she must step in and use the best of anything and everything that is around him or her to reach the desired objectives. Darwin Smith was able to turn Kimberly Clark into the giant that we know today by using a completely new business model that required tools he didn't have at the time it was developed.

Many thought that soft spoken Darwin Smith didn't have what it takes to be a good CEO. They were wrong 

5. Fairness: Never overestimate the people you work with, nor underestimate them either. Punish when needed and reward when deserved. The proper management of balance in a team group is critical to accomplish goals. Jack Welch has been known to be a prime example of justice and proper leadership.

6. Confidence: If there is one aspect that is a powerful force that can drive you to new levels, it's the trust and belief that you have in yourself. It comes with a combination of skill that include knowledge, logic and rationale, with the most important ingredient which is self-esteem. Watch Band of Brothers and see how Richard Winters carried himself and his men through the toughest of situations by simply having the confidence of applying what he knew.

7. Innovation: Out of the box thinking and developing strategies to implement the dreams you pursue is essential to set a new standard for you group. Don't be a conformist; instead settle for new challenges every day. That's what Steve Jobs did.

Always go for more...

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