martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Panama Papers claim their first victim

A few days ago I was browsing through my regular news feed, when one of the most recent posts read that there had been a leak in information about offshore investments involving several world figures. I was a bit skeptic at the beginning but when I started to dig into it, I saw this was the real thing.

Vladimir Putin, Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, David Cameron, Mauricio Macri, Jackie Chan, Lionel Messi, and several other worldwide personalities had relationships with the Panamenian firm Mossack Fonseca, supposedly with the intent of hiding wealth and avoiding taxes -among other things-.

My question here is: these are supposed to be world leaders, the people that represent and vow for the people. What is going on here?

I was immediately taken back to my childhood years, when primary teachers lectured you over and over again, about stealing is bad, killing is bad, lying is bad, and so many other morally incorrect actions and behaviors. I am no saint, I'll give you that, and most people around the world aren't as well. Everyone has something on them if you look at them under a microscope. But come on, world leaders hiding wealth in offshore investments?

Iceland's Prime Minister, Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson resigned earlier today after pressure coming from protests that attracted thousands of Icelanders angered by the crime their leader commit. Other world leaders have either dismissed or act with indifference to the accusations.

On a different note, Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff faces impeachment on accusations of a mislead public accounting scandal. Former President Luis Ignacio Da Silva is being accused of corruption. Then we have Venezuela, the country with one of the largest inflation around the world, that is run by a former bus driver with no college whatsoever and who never got past seventh grade.

What is going on with our world?

At what point did world leaders began this unavoidable spiral of corruption and poor qualifications, and got placed in a power position to look over the welfare of their citizens?

Shouldn't countries be run by honest, hard-working people who made their way through the steps of meritocracy to reach the pinnacle of politics?

People who are not qualified to be president, just simply can't be president. It's as simple as that.

World leaders who are vaguely suspected of any accusation, facing investigation on corruption or any other crime, should step down from their position until proven innocent. It's as simple as that.

Say what you will about Barack Obama, but the guy has nothing under himself to hide and has never been accused of defrauding the anything to benefit himself or increase his personal wealth. You can accuse Obama about anything, but corruption. That's why I also don't have a problem with Donald Trump being a candidate. You can say anything you want about Trump, the guy is a successful businessman. Now, on the matter of him becoming president, that's another matter.

Why do we keep finding over and over again new cases of corruption that have been going for years -if not decades- and no justice is brought to them?

I'm quite sure Bill Gates is no saint either, but I sincerely doubt that the richest man on the planet made his fortune by means of corruption, stealing, hiding wealth or getting involved with unethical accounting. Moreover, I'm quite sure he became and held the position of CEO because he was capable of doing so, both academically, intelectually and professionally. Same goes for guys like Richard Branson, Larry Page, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and many others.

It just boggles my mind that uncapable and corrupt people are running countries. That's not the way it should be.

Something must be done.

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