martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

2016 in sports and entertainment

With ten days left on the calendar, 2016 has left its mark in the minds and hearts of millions of sports and entertainment fans all over the world. It had its good moments and its bad moments, as well as happy and sad ones. Let's take a look of what happened:
The Greatest

The Greatest passes away

Most significant moment? Definitely has to be the passing of The Greatest, Muhammad Ali. What else can be said about him? There will never be another one like him. You can check my blog entry, where I wrote a very personal perspective.

Cubs put an end to 108 years without a World Series

Seventeen presidents, two world wars, the moon landings, the invention of the internet, and even a somewhat accurate prediction from "Back to the Future II", had to pass in order to allow the Cubs to win their first World Series Title since 1908.

Finally a well-deserved championship
LeBron shuts down record-breaking Warriors

I (and most of the basketball fans) predicted either a sweep or a 4-1 Warrior victory against LeBron's Cavs in this year's NBA Finals, especially after Golden State set a new regular season record of 73-9. The Cavs however staged an amazing come back from a 1-3 deficit, and clinched the NBA Finals in a dramatic seventh game, in Oakland. LeBron finally emerged as a leader and MVP.

Nico Rosberg wins the F1 Championship

Everyone knew Mercedes would win the championship (both drivers and constructor). It all came down to either Nico or Lewis.
Earned his place as one of the
All-time greats

Novak Djokovic achieve what neither Federer nor Nadal could achieve

After eleven attempts, including losing three finals, Novak finally won the one Grand Slam that had eluded him for so long: Roland Garros. By winning it, he became only the third player in tennis history to hold all four Grand Slams at the same time, sometimg that Federer and Nadal haven't (and seems like they won't be able to) achieve.

Messi was so hurt, he quit
the national team.
Cristiano Ronaldo shines, Messi shrugs

Ever since they began playing professional football, both Cristiano and Messi have been heavily criticized throughout their careers for underperforming in their national team squad. This year, Messi once again failed to win another cup, losing the finals of the Centenario America Cup. Cristiano on the other hand, conquered the EuroCup, shutting down all his detractors and haters.

Peyton Manning retires after winning SuperBowl

In a very solid SuperBowl performance, Peyton Manning conquered the most important title in his career, and what a best way to finish a lustrius journey through the NFL.

No words...
Michael Phelps... well, did it again...

He won five gold medals and one silver, to bring his overall record total to 28 olympic medals (23 of them gold). He himself has more gold medals than 180 countries.


Tim Duncan (arguably, the best power forward of all time), Koby Bryant (the Black Mamba), David Ortiz, Alex Rodriguez, Vin Scully.

Honorable mentions

When your opponents (and even the WR),
give up and leave you racing alone...
Something that really impressed me in 2016 was Katie Ledecky's RIDICULOUS/OUT OF THIS WORLD performance at the 800 m Olympic freestyle final

and then we have entertainment...

Leonardo di Caprio finally got his Oscar.

Captain America: Civil War exceeded expectations.

Suicide Squad was the biggest let down of the year.

and I still trying to figure out how did we lose so many legends in the same year:

They will all be missed...
David Bowie
George Martin
Keith Emerson
Greg Lake
Leonard Cohen
Alan Rickman
Gene Wilder
Maurice White
Paul Kantner
George Gaynes
Billy Paul
George Kennedy
Doris Roberts
Ron Glass
Umberto Eco
Peter Shaffer
Sir Neville Marriner
Glen Frey
Gary Shandling
Zsa Zsa Gabor

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